Firefox on Linux update

It may look like Firefox development is stalled and frozen but nothing could be further from the truth. 22 300 patches landed in Firefox Mercurial repository since new year and we keep hacking 😀 Let’s look what’s new in Firefox on Linux and what could be interesting for Fedora users.

Firefox 81 on Fedora with VA-API, WebRTC and X11

Mozilla Firefox continues to implement more and more HW acceleration features on Linux and Fedora comes with extra integration patches to enable it. Firefox 78 introduced VA-API video decoding on Wayland. Firefox 81 (a latest stable release) comes with VA-API for WebRTC streams decoding and enables VA-API on X11 for supported platforms. Let’s start withContinue reading “Firefox 81 on Fedora with VA-API, WebRTC and X11”

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